Friday, November 12, 2010

Stand Out

Stand Out, originally uploaded by Fiorinda.

I was at the Altlanta Union Mission thrift store near my house the other day and as I was leaving I spotted this albino pigeon amidst the large flock and felt compelled to take a picture of it. I feel like there is a lesson here somewhere, but I am not exactly sure what. I watched him(or her) for a few minutes, and it seemed totally unaware that it stood out so sharply. It acted just like all the other pigeons. If anything, it seemed to hold its head a little taller.

I remember thinking about being lonely, even in a crowd. I thought of "going against the flow." How as believers we are to be in the world, but not of it. I thought of being different from everyone around you. I suppose that is what got me thinking about loneliness. That is something I have pondered most of my life. It is very difficult for me to fit in a group. I suppose I appear aloof or snobby to some, but mostly I am shy. and fearful. and I tend to live inside my head where I am safe. I like quiet(which is fairly non-existent at my house with 4 kids).

I like being alone, but I do not like being lonely. And I get mad at myself when I forget that I am never alone. Surprisingly, it has been my youngest child who keeps reminding me of that. He often talks about "Jesus in my heart." He tells his brother not to hit him in the chest because he is hitting "Jesus in my heart." The other day he was making up silly walks, and while I was thinking of Monty Python, he giggled and said that "Jesus in my heart" likes it when I walk silly, it makes Him smile. I think he was right. There is so much in life to fret and worry over, and we get caught up in it and forget to breathe. Forget the things that make us laugh. Forget the things that bring us joy. So instead of the list of things that I am afraid of that I was thinkig of writing, here are some things that make me feel either joyful, or happy, or content, or peaceful, or just make me feel right inside.

Debbie's Happy List--in no particular order

pretty fabric
stuffed animals
my children's faces when they are sleeping
the sound of a french horn
things that lace up( like boots with laces, corsets, etc.)
old linens that have been embroidered
holding hands
the sound of drums faintly in the air on Friday nights in the fall
the sound of a band/orchestra tuning and warming up
the smell of honeysuckle at twilight
books, especially old ones
my down comforter
baby feet and hands and heads
a campfire
stars on a clear night
mountains(especially the Appalachians)
fried chicken
sweet tea
front porch swings
Sunday afternoon naps

I guess there are a lot of things that make me feel good. I could probably add a lot more, but you are probably bored by now. What are some things that make you feel happy? Smells, sounds, sights? I'd love to know.

This was a really rambling post, wasn't it. I've been a little scatterbrained this week.

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