Wednesday, August 25, 2010


13/365, originally uploaded by Fiorinda.

Everyone passed out on the floor last night on the way to bed. M was screaming that he didn't want to sleep alone, he likes having someone with him. He got down on the floor and was asleep within about 2 minutes. W saw him laying there and lay down next to him and fell asleep. E. was pretending to be asleep on her floor(to avoid having to sleep with M-she's been reading to him every night and playing with the twins until bedtime), and actually fell asleep. It was pretty funny.

It's strange that M is always crying that he doesn't want to be alone when his brother is 3 feet away. He doesn't seem to count. I wonder why.

Friday, August 20, 2010


9/365, originally uploaded by Fiorinda.

I got a good laugh first thing this morning when I went to wake up the boy. I found this arrangement on the floor. He and I have been trying to figure out fourth grade homework. I was informed at orientation that it will get worse. The girls starts with homework on monday. I hope I can survive.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


6/365, originally uploaded by Fiorinda.

The flowers in my kitchen window. My pictures over the weekend were less than exciting, so I was aiming for somthing a little better to start the week.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


3/365, originally uploaded by Fiorinda.

It's saturday morning. No fancy pictures today. Just a quick snapshot of my morning. Because nothing says Saturday like leftover Chinese food, a Coke, and Ratchet and Clank. This was about 10:30 this morning(and yes, I was eating in bed). I wish I could say that I slept in, and this is my breakfast. Unfortunately, the sad truth is I was awake at 6 am and up by 6:30. I ate my leftover spring roll for breakfast with a cup of decaf coffee(and a bagel-not a mix I recommend for flavor reasons).

Splitcat is off selling used uniforms at school(a great fundraiser for the student govt). P is playing Battlefront II on his PS2, I'm on the PS3 and E and the twins are playing. I am really enjoying the twins getting older. I am much less in demand. Soon it will be bath time for all. Some of my children are a little malodorous today. It is very cloudy and humid today, but cooler than it has been. I am really ready for summer to end. The heat and humidity drain me. Today is my mother's birthday, so we must call her, and tomorrow is the twin's birthday. I can't believe they will be 4 years old. So, anyway, enough of my rambling. Have a great weekend.

Friday, August 13, 2010


2/365, originally uploaded by Fiorinda.

Today has me thinking about music and its absence in my life.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


1/365, originally uploaded by Fiorinda.

So, I've been thinking of doing the 365 Project for about a year, but it never seemed the right time to start. I've decided now is the time because my life has undergone some major work in the past few weeks.

As part of my new life I have quit my day job. I will still work in the nursery on 2 Sundays a month because I really enjoy the ladies I work with. But I am now a real stay at home mom. It is a relief and a little terrifying. There are many things I hope to accomplish, the main one being rest. I am physically and mentally and emotionally exhausted. It is tempting to commit myself to all sorts of classes and Bible studies to fill the empty hours, but I know this only leads to more exhaustion. I will participate in a few things, otherwise I will be too isolated, but I am going to be very careful with my commitments. Committing to taking a photo a day is as big of a commitment as I want to make. I will try to also post them here.

Do not fear, I will not subject you to countless photos of myself. My goal is to take a photo that represents my day, or my thoughts, or of something I find beautiful. I hope to also write along with the photo, but I am not making any promises.

So why this photo for today? This is a project I am working on for the twins bedroom. We are in the process of redoing their bedroom, updating and putting in their big boy beds. But the walls are really blank. And my budget has been maxxed out. There is one poster I want to buy eventually, but for now, they get pictures made by me. I have been cutting and gluing this little guy all week. Working here and there. It is almost done. So, I thought a picture of a work in progress was appropriate, as I am viewing myself these days as a work in progress. Some days go really well, and reality matches my vision. Some days I get glue everywhere and have to extricate myself from the mess I've made. Some days I just sit back and contemplate on the work that has been done and wonder what it will all look like in the end.